9 Exceptional Successful Single Mother Stories That Will Leave You Speechless

The successful single-mother force has made a global impact changing the way we view moms that raise their kids on their own. These successful single-mother stories should inspire any of us who need to be reminded we too can do it.

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This post is all about successful single-mother stories.

Successful Single Mother

All over the world successful single mothers are making headlines for all the right reasons. Being a single mother has got to be one of the most nitty-gritty feats one could hope to endure.

It’s trial and error from the jump, day in and day out. You never know where to turn.

The daily question is, am I even doing this ish right?

On top of that, chances are if you’re on this mission solo, you’re probably the breadwinner too. This has got to be some sick joke right?

So you want me to raise my kids to be decent humans and you want me to be away to make all the money too? Oh geez…

Yeah, so many of us have been there. You’re not the only one and you’re not alone.

Hopefully, these successful single mother stories will leave you inspired and feeling empowered. Never forget who you’re doing it for. You got this.

Here are 9 super positive stories that will leave a lasting impression on you. They were all at some point walking in shoes just like yours.


1. Beate Chelette

Successful Single Mother Stories

Beate Chelette is the founder of The Women’s Code.

She immigrated from Germany and has become this women empowerment mogul. In her early twenties, she began navigating the streets of Los Angeles. No easy task!

She found her niche and calling when an aptitude test suggested she be a roofer! She thrived on improving the way companies could integrate more apt women lead roles in work environments.

She believes finding the balance of equality when comparing men and women is when we really begin to blossom.

Her vision of uniqueness among women scored her a giant deal with Bill Gates and she has been trucking forward ever since.

She is a keynote speaker and helps companies create an inclusive functional work environment. She also wrote the book,

 Happy Woman Happy World: The Foolproof Fix That Takes You From Overwhelmed To Awesome

“There are a million ways to be successful and you only need to find one – yours.” Beate Chellete

2. Cashmere Nicole

Successful Single Mothers in Business

Cashmere Nicole is the founder and owner of Beauty Bakerie.

This is a cosmetics line that is dedicated to diversity and helping people. Her line was inspired by her fascination with what we are putting in and on our bodies after her successful battle with breast cancer.

Their mission is “To be sweet and sweeten the lives of others” and man are they good at it!

Cashmere created a foundation called Sugar Homes.

She sponsors orphanages around the world in areas where children are in true need. This has been an uphill climb for her and she’s setting the tone for all players in the cosmetics industry.

(Even if you cannot donate at the time or contribute to her cause, please talk about it. Word of mouth can get the job done just by you talking about it. -Thank you kindly, j.samone)

She didn’t let labels or illness define what she would do in the world. Instead, she learned, grew, and in turn has made her corner of the world exceptionally beneficial for the planet and its children.


3. Erin Shurtz

Successful Single Working Mothers

Erin Shurtz is the founder of Mommi.

She created a protein prenatal shake that has all the amazing goodies pregnant moms and growing babies need throughout their term.

She is accompanied by a mommy-loving OB doctor and specialists that have helped her develop the perfect recipe. Women’s health is their main focus.

She, like most moms in action, manifested this idea on a whim. Shurtz ran into the same problem as the rest of us when, uh oh, most protein shakes are not approved for pregnant and nursing women. Plus well you need your prenatal vitamins, then Mommi was born.

When you have an idea, believe in yourself, push forward, and don’t give up. You WILL prosper and succeed with love and hard work.


4. Heather Monohan

Successful Single Moms

Heather Monohan has created an empire and branded herself Boss In Heels.

She too is on the super empowerment train for women worldwide, teaching through transparency and applying life skills to self-betterment.

Her TedX talk (watch this!) touches on that topic that no one likes to talk about, woman-on-woman crime. The most ferocious of them all.

She will help you “step into your fear”  and not accept intimidation. Don’t dim your own light for the enlightenment of others. I TREMENDOUSLY struggled with this.

If this is something you’re struggling with get one or both of these books and change it for yourself.

Confidence Creator

Overcome Your Villains: Mastering Your Beliefs, Actions, and Knowledge to Conquer Any Adversity

5. Jakki Liberman

How to Be a Single Mom With No Help

Jakki Liberman is the founder and president of Bumkins finer baby products.

She is a mother of four and was going through a divorce as her company was developing.

Her inspiration came from challenging the market of reusable diapers, pushing her to create her product pretty much out of her garage.

Bumkins has evolved to baby products that grow with every lifestyle and need for the modern take on family dynamics that we see today.

30-plus years in the making and ever-growing, Liberman and her team never stop pushing themselves to be an honest, caring brand and company.


6. Lauren LeBlanc Haydel

Single Mom Starting Over Low Income

Lauren LeBlanc Haydel is the founder of Fleurty Girl.

She has that Cinderella momtrepreneur story. This is a retail destination designed and centered around New Orleans, Louisiana. Here is a quick video.

She talks about the struggle, scraping together change to eat, and her electricity being turned off. All that mess and fear that some single moms face on a daily.

She started a t-shirt company from her home with 2,000 dollars from her tax return in 2009. She moved her kids into sharing a room using 1,000 sqft of her 2,000 sqft home.

Her home shop has become a whopping 8 store-front business and global brand. She sacrificed what she had to because she understood her self-worth and believed in her inner determination.

She said, “I’m glad I was able to show them (her kids)  what it takes to believe in something, make sacrifices and succeed, and to do it all in the most amazing city in the world.”

Haydel truly believed in herself, owned who she was, and showed her kids that nothing could stop her.


7. Noelle Frederico

Psychological Effects of Being a Single Mother

Noelle Frederico is the founder of The Working Warrior Mom.

Her life mission has been to teach women how to organize their thoughts and be the author of their own stories.

She hosts The Coffee Chat Show, which is a series that is designed to raise your spirits and teach you how to apply yourself and create the reality you dream of.

Her website is forever giving. There are featured notes from the chat show that I use all the time for inspiration. She even offers a few short books that are also free to download.

I highly recommend reading this interview, there is so much insight to gain and it’s a quick read. Her advice has so much to offer and she makes it readily available, you just have to use it.


8. Yalanda P. Lattimore

Successful Black Single Mothers

Yalanda Lattimore is the founder and creator of Dryer Buzz Soaps.

She had been working in the culinary industry after she left the blogging world when the covid pandemic erupted.

She had to switch it up because like for a majority of us, the face-to-face working environment ceased to exist.

Thus her soap company was born. She reached further by adding products like scrubs and body butters.

Another strength from her blogging background is writing, of course. You guessed it, more books! She has a series about how to create buzz for your platforms and monetize your followers. You can find those books here.

Her accomplishments make her an advocate for single mother financial independence.


9. Zhena Muzyka

Famous Successful Single Moms

Zhena Muzyka is the founder of Club Magic Hour.

She started by selling tea from a cart with  6 bucks in her pocket and a 4-week-old son that needed life-saving surgery.

Talk about pressure and mom power.

Club Magic Hour features her Gypsy Teas, a line of decadent botanical and spiced teas. She not only is a tea guru but she has incorporated her love for tea and knowledge into a tea ceremony movement.

You can learn more about the moving tea ceremony through the immersive experience she creates with her products.

and yes… ANOTHER BOOK(:

Life by the Cup: Inspiration for a Purpose-Filled Life

This is not a super long post because why get overwhelmed? Here is enough to get you started on the track toward the right mindset. These women are all powerful in their own ways and hopefully, there is one that you can relate to. Each of them has a very different story and found their own unique way to get to where they wanted to be. They lead with their heart and worked hard spreading love and empowerment to others. You can totally find your way, no doubt about it. These women and many more are living proof.

This post is all about successful single-mother stories.


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